On 19th June 2024, National Reading Day was celebrated with great enthusiasm. The event was organized to honour Puthuvayil Narayana Panicker, the Father of India’s Library Movement, and to emphasize the importance of reading among students.

The assembly began with a speech explaining why National Reading Day is celebrated in India. The speech highlighted that the day commemorates P.N. Panicker’s significant contributions to promoting literacy and establishing libraries in Kerala. Key benefits of reading, such as gaining knowledge, fostering empathy, enhancing critical thinking, reducing stress, and encouraging personal growth, were discussed.

Following the speech, students took a pledge to uphold the values of Reading Day and make reading a daily habit. Various activities were planned for all grades from 1 to 10 to underscore the importance of reading. Students engaged in reading sessions, book discussions, and storytelling activities, all aimed at fostering a love for reading.

The celebration concluded with a collective commitment to explore the vast world of books. The event successfully conveyed the main theme of the reading mission, inspiring students to embrace the joy of reading.